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Catfish Baits
Shad And shinners can be used to catch catfish.You can use it as cut or whole bait.Old frozen baits will still catch a few fish,but its better when fresh.
Chicken liver  is a good bait,usually used on a treble hook or a
Cut several 3" - 4" squares from an old pair of nylons, or cheesecloth.  Place a small liver (or small piece cut from a large liver) in the center of a square of the nylon, or cheesecloth. Gather the corners of the nylon or cheesecloth and secure with a small rubber band or thread. Do the same with all of the livers. Place the finished balls of liver back into the liver container and cover it. Place the container in the refrigerator. Chicken liver is good bait because of all the blood that it contains. When fishing with chicken livers, you'll find a piece of silver skin (for the lack of better words) on the liver. This is where you should hook the liver. That tough piece of skin will hold to your hook.
Red worms,wigglers,nightcrawlers,these's work good for catching catfish and baitJust thread the worms on a few times,sometimes a gob of worms works good
Punch baits,like Danny Kings or make up your own dough baitthese's hooks can be used with this bait
Crawfish  can be used by hooking them in the tail or peel the tail and use them like shrimp.
Catalpa worms
Pinch the small black head off of the catalpa worm. Grasp the worm between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With your right hand place the bend of the hook into the v shaped space between the worms hind "feet". Push the hook into the worm turning it inside out on your hook. This greatly increases the catalpa "aroma" that catfish can't resist!
Perch can be used whole or cut bait to catch catfish(where its legal)
These's are just a few of the baits used for catching catfish.The best bait is the bait you can catch around your area,Crickets,grasshoppers,shrimp,worms,perch shinners,suckers,shad ect; or make your on homemade stink baits